部落對抗機器在2017和野桐工坊合辦的電子織品工作坊之後舉辦了兩個展覽,第一個展覽是在活動場地,位於苗栗縣象鼻部落的野桐工坊舉行的。 第二場展覽舉辦於位於台北的紅坊國際(Redroom)。

There were two exhibitions derivate from the collaboration between Lihan Workshop and Tribe Against Machine. The first exhibition took place during the beginning of the event in Lihan Wrokshop, Miaoli, middle of Taiwan, where the Atayal Xianbi tribe is. The second exhibition took place in Redroom, where was located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei.

馬丁·戴比(Martin De Bie)和奧黛麗·布里奧特(Audrey Briot)正在介紹他們的項目:Quantified Epopee2016。一個以未來考古遺物為主題的裝置,在一個虛擬的未來世界考古現場中放置了幾片針織導電羊毛織塊,透過觸碰這些織塊將啟動和織塊圖紋相對應的聲音。 故事建議將這些元素視為舊的數位製造的人工製品,從未來的虛構觀點重新審視這些過去在2016年被製造的織塊的專業知識。

Founder of Data Peullete, Martin De Bie and Audrey Briot was introducing their project: Quantified Epopee 2016. It presents as remains of an archeological search in the future, the different knitting pieces embedded deteriorated sound related to the pattern created. The story propose to see this elements as artefacts of an old digital crafting process revisiting the tapestry expertise in 2016.

第一次展覽的主要目的是讓國際藝術家向野桐工坊介紹他們的作品。 這是為期10天的國際工作坊的第一天。 這也是兩個遙遠社區的第一次接觸,並交流他們在創作方式上的想法。

The main purpose of the first exhibition was for international artists to introduce their work to the tribe. This happened in the first day of this 10-days workshop. This is also the first contact between the two communities in distant to exchange their mindset regarding how they create their works.

佐藤美香(Mika Satomi),電子織品社群平臺e-Textile Summer Camp和Kobakant的創辦人,正在介紹她的作品Rambu(譯:亂舞)中所使用到的概念和穿戴科技應用。
Mika Satomi, the founder of e-Textile community platforms, e-Textile Summer Camp and Kobakant, was introducing her project, Rambu, how the project concept was formed and the wearable technology application she used in it artistically.