There were two exhibitions derivate from the collaboration between Lihan Workshop and Tribe Against Machine. The first exhibition took place during the beginning of the event in Lihan Wrokshop, Miaoli, middle of Taiwan, where the Atayal Xianbi tribe is. The second exhibition took place in Redroom, where was located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei.
The main purpose of the first exhibition was for international artists to introduce their work to the tribe. This happened in the first day of this 10-days workshop. This is also the first contact between the two communities in distant to exchange their mindset regarding how they create their works.
Artists: Claire Williams Afroditi Psarra Martin De Bie Concept: 這個工作坊包含了通過電子紡織品和可穿戴設備將科學與藝術相結合的想法,通過創造可以感知電磁場的手工技術製品。 在技術上,我們將著重於通過三種類型的電路,利用編織刺繡和針織等傳統工藝製作天線。 This workshop encompasses…
尤瑪達陸:「因為中間有八十年的時間是完全沒有這些東西的,所以知識和技術都沒有保存下來,花了二十年的時間,到不同的國家,特別是在歐洲,有很多國家有我們(泰雅)從十六世紀,十七世紀就到了歐洲,所以我們有很多的織品是在歐洲找到的。」 尤瑪達陸,野桐工枋的負責人,也是泰雅早期復興運動的促進者,在工作坊上一張又一張的介紹著泰雅傳統的織塊,她介紹了基本的泰雅織紋如何隨著河流域演化,和她和先生早年如何從歐洲的博物館中「偷」回屬於自己族的文化。她將各種在過去20年失傳的泰雅織紋僅憑靠肉眼的觀察,將這些織紋轉化成織機步驟,再將這些步驟做成精致的繪本,讓祖先的文化有機會在現代又被世人重新審視。 "Because for a span of 80 years, there was absolutely no weaving or…