雷射染 Laser Dye

啟發於傳統感光印相法:「氰版顯影」,使用接近紫外線波段的雷射光、投影在預塗在布面上的感光劑並留下永久的圖像,結合了傳統氰版顯影和「投影」的特性能在3D表面印製且省略了負片的製造過程。產生的圖像產生自透過程式即時轉換自環境音頻資料,一個關於光學數位印花的Generative design和個人化的實驗,這項計劃於2016Manual Jimenez Garcia, Christina Dahdaleh在Space Media Festival和Modern Body Festival 2016 中合作一個實驗工作坊”The Flexible Encoded Data”,做為布建築表面上的反應塗料,試圖將環境資料轉化成軟建築體上的圖案。另於2015入選東京 YouFab Global Creative Adwards .

Inspired by the oldest photographic printing process “cyanotype”, laser dye is a project of optical dyeing process for 3D objects, the cyanotype is made by programable 405nm laser beam triggered according to ambient environment audio data in real time. The “dye” appears like a mix of digital print and hand-dye, Because of the projected-printing therefore the process is not constrained on plane surface and require no negative film unlike traditional cyanotype process. This project is also part of the collaboration “The Flexible Encoded Data” with Manual Jimenez Garcia and Christina Dahdaleh at Taipei Space Media Festival and Modern Body Festival 2016

//工作坊流程 Workshop Schedule//
12:00 – 12:30 雷射投影機結構、改造介紹
12:30 – 13:00 材料介紹、顯影劑調配介紹
13:00 – 15:00 Max/Msp 課程,製作自己的圖案產生器
15:00 – 18::00 實作雷射染、顯影、定影。薯瑯染搭配(每人一張約20*20cm 大小作品印在絲棉上、大小可視學員多寡調整)

費用: $900/人 (all fee goes to support Red Room and the exhibition!)
報名表 sign up : https://goo.gl/forms/JfSvz7u6tH092OKa2

楊雅玲Ya Ling Yang,1969年生,天然染色與梭織工作者,從事天然染色與法國刺繡和織帶教學,多以天然染色線材從事織作,目前為台中市清水區港區藝術文化中心清風樓駐館藝術家,及戲梭手作工作室負責人。自1994年起研究探索天然染色與梭織和纖維特性,創作作品多以天然素材爲主,從2013年起加入其他媒材改變梭織平面型態為立體與其他變化的可能性為作品創作方向,亦於本次今年Tribe Against Machine活動中與國外電子藝術家交流。

Ya Ling Yang, born in 1969, nature dye and weaving artist, specialist in nature dye, french embroidery and weaving belt. She is currently the museum artist of Taichung Chin Shui Art Culture Center and founder of the Xi Shuo Craftsmenship Studio.
