該工作坊由石壁工坊創辦人林淑莉(ShuLi Lin)示範。地織機是泰雅族最古老的技術之一。 淑莉演示了如何使用傳統的泰雅三棍式整經裝置整經,到如何利用身體的控制來操作織機。整個操作過程都要求織者坐在地板上,淑莉向觀眾展示如何透過將腳踩在織機上來控制經紗的張力,通過良好的控制,緯紗的編織便能流暢地進行。這種編織技術的另一個獨特屬性是產生出的織品的圓形循環形狀。舒莉認為,這種形狀還反映了泰雅族人的生命觀,泰雅人認為生活是一個沒有起點和終點的連續循環。這種工藝不僅是一種技術,而且通過材料傳遞了部落精神的傳承。一些藝術家受到這種特殊技術的啟發,並開始嘗試如何將電子織品應用在這種舊時尚之中。 Mika Satomi就是其中之一,她試圖利用一種獨特方式,將Karl Grimm公司生產的導電縫線,在地織機創造的這種特殊圓形循環織品中創建一個LED矩陣。

This Workshop was lead by the founder of Raisinay Dyeing And Weaving Workshop, ShuLi Lin. Ground Loom is one of the oldest technology from the Atayal tribe. Shuli demonstrated how to operate a ground loom by the process of warping with the traditional Atayal tri-stick device, and how to operate the loom through her body control. The whole operating process requires the weaver to sit on the floor. Shuli showed the audience how to control the tension of the warps by stepping her foot on the ground loom, so that the wefting is able to go smoothly by the great control of the force given from her stepping. The other unique property of this weaving technique is the circulating shape of the woven piece. According to Shuli, this shape also reflects the view of life philosophy of the Atayal people, seeing life as a continuously cycle without a starting and ending point. This craftsmanship is not only a technique but also passes on the tribe spirit heritage through the materials. Some artists were inspired by this special technique and started to experiment on how to apply e-textile techniques to this old fashion. Mika Satomi was one of them, she tried to find a unique way to implement conductive threads from the Karl Grimm Company to create a LED matrix in this circulating woven piece created by the ground loom during the workshop.

傳統織布機零件:腰固定帶(wahug)、夾布軸(qnisan)、梭子(gikus)、打緯板(bgiya)、固定棒(kusut)、開口棒(qataq)、經卷(ubung)等物件,製作年代約為西元1930年。 Components of the ground loom: wahug, qnisan, gikus, bgiya, kusut,qataq, ubung, this loom was made proximately in 1930.