服誌 – 文化資產的當代意義與座標

「服誌」是這個計畫的核心存在,以及傳統文化透過當代科技形式的轉化與創新後,被重新賦形的具象憑藉,是一個概念計畫去生產一本為傳統文化發聲、以智慧衣著為形式的「誌」。 計劃發起人施惟捷企圖透過「服誌」,以電子織品 summer camp 方式,聚集參加的藝術家與新一代泰雅族人,一同討論智慧織品作為傳統文化資產,更具現代性的座標。 我們期待在國際工作坊中形成「服誌」的初步概念與原型(prototype),實際的完整製作則將於在工作坊之後進行。服誌承載了民族文化中無形的編織傳統,將文化資產的保存行為,轉化為實體的、可被傳播的數位典藏(digital archive),並更進一步,藉由「織品智慧化」讓民族織品與雲端網路或數位科技相互連結,企圖形成某種更全面的、平台式的國際網路與虛實網路架構。於是「民族網路 (ethnic internet) 」得以有機會被實踐,將可帶來與國際傳統織品文化社群、電子織品領域的串連與合作。 而本計劃最終的企圖,則在於實踐計畫的現地創作過程中,民族文化被重新賦形的可能:產生「服誌」這樣新的存在形式、新的表現方式、與新的傳播平台與媒介。文化交換的大主題:民族網路(Ethnic Internet)

Fu-Zhi – a Zine in Textile Form for Cultural Heritage Archive

Fu-Zhi (服誌) program is the core spirit of the event and will serve as a concrete symbol reshaped after the transformation of traditional culture through contemporary technologies, “Fu-Zhi” is a conceptual project to produce magazines speak for tribe culture but with physical wearable form. With this project and e-Textile workshops, Shih Wei Chieh, the initiator of this event, attempts to bring artists, the new Atayal generation, and all other workshop participators together in hopes of discovering the new coordinate for cultural heritage preservation. Fu-Zhi, which will be created after the workshop, using traditional textile techniques and smart materials, will be able to transform cultural heritage archival into IoT (Internet of Things) objects, wearables, to achieve its main purpose of becoming a digitized physical global but private underground platform, an ethnic internet for a discrete, un-unified group of human cultures: “Tribes”.